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How to Get Razor Sharp Focus in Your Photos Every Time

Getting sharp photos is one of the fundamental goals in photography. If your images aren't as sharp as you'd like, take a look at our tips. We’ll help you minimize the possibility of returning home with blurry images that may not live up to your high expectations.

Use manual focus
While the auto-focus in your cameras and lenses from are superb, nothing will get you consistently sharp images more than manual focusing, even in low light. The great thing is that it’s also very easy to do. Switch from using your View Finder to using Live View. Then find the magnifying button on your camera. By pressing this, you’ll zoom into a selected area of the scene. Once you’ve switched to manual focus, simply adjust the focus ring until the details sharpen. Then zoom out. That’s it!

Mirror lock up
When you take a photo, the mirror in your DSLR slaps up and down to let light into the sensor. This movement can shake the camera very slightly, which can create a blurry image. Fortunately, if you’re already in Live View this will lock the mirror up during shooting for most cameras. On some cameras, the mirror still slaps down when using Live View. In which case, visit the in-camera menu and look for the mirror lock up option.

Clean lens
Before and during every shoot, it’s vital that you keep your lenses clean. Any dust or smudges can not only soften images, but can distort light and colors.


Use a tripod
This point really goes without saying. Handheld shots won’t get you the sharpest possible image, especially in lower light situations. It’s wise to invest in a good tripod from

Block wind
Windy weather can knock your tripod, leaving your images blurry. If possible, use your body to block in-coming wind. Use your camera bag to weigh the tripod down and make it more sturdy. Most tripods have a handy hook just for this purpose. To reduce shake, always use a remote, or set your mode to timer.

Get closer, and use a shorter focal length and lens
This tip is hit and miss. When you use longer focal lengths, every tiny camera shake can seem like an earthquake. The shorter the focal length, the weaker the impact of camera shake on your images. However, composition comes first in photography. By changing focal lengths, you may change your composition, which may not be desirable.


Keep your ISO low
While you can compensate for low light by raising your ISO, you’ll also introduce noise which will soften your image. It is far better to widen your aperture to maintain a sharper image.

Most photographers seem to agree that shooting between f/5 and f/10 will produce the best results, regardless of the lens. Smaller apertures can soften the image and cause diffraction. On the other hand, large apertures will reduce your depth of field, leaving some parts less in focus than others. If you are having trouble with blurry images, try these tips out for yourself.
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