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6 Tips for Outback Photography

Though the days are growing shorter and the weather growing colder here in the Northern Hemisphere and many people are traveling to capture images of the fall foliage changing colors, things are exactly the opposite in the Southern Hemisphere and many there are getting ready to start their spring photography. Oddly enough, one of the favored places to head for photography in the southern half of the globe is the Australian Outback and, with spring blooming Down Under, this is a great time to travel down there and catch the changing of the seasons in the wilds! To help anyone who is interested in doing that, we have a few tips on how to really capture the spirit of the Australian Outback.

1) Book plenty of time in advance -- The Outback is very, very large. Parts of it are also inaccessible. Make sure you map out the areas you want to visit ahead of time and know where you will not be able or allowed to go. Even with much of it being inaccessible, there is still plenty to photograph so plan your itinerary accordingly.

2) Don't shoo people out of the way all the time -- Some of the sites you'll see in the Outback are mind-bogglingly ginormous. If there are people in the frame, even if they're not the subject of the photo, they can help to provide a sense of scale and add a dimension of depth to the photo.

3) Speaking of depth... -- One of the biggest problems in landscape photography is that a site will look wonderful to the Mark I Human Eyeball but when you take a photo of it, the photo will come out looking very flat. Don't be afraid of letting some parts of your photo come out a little blurry to add layers and depth to the photo. Additionally, don't always go for the straight-on shot. Try to find a different angle, some unique view, to take your photo from. Just don't wander too far off the beaten path and don't do anything that might shorten your lifespan!

4) Get to know the locals -- For most of us, Australia is a far, distant land. Many of us might only make one trip there in our lives which is why we should book plenty of time for our trips. Additionally, there are many great sights to see that aren't part of any official tour guide. Take the time to hang out at the local pubs and taverns and get to know some of the people from the area. They can always point you in the direction of some interesting sights!

5) Don't be afraid to use some artificial light -- Some of the trees and plants just off the side of the roadways in Australia are very different than anything you'll see outside of Australia and, during your time there, you might start taking them as commonplace. Stop the car occasionally and get out and get some shots of these common but unique-to-Australia flora. Use a flashlight or bouncer to highlight particular details. Also, try to do some dawn photography -- the way that the sunrise looks in Australia can be absolutely stunning!

6) The Southern Sky and Lights are very different -- The constellations of the night sky are completely different in the southern parts of the Earth and the auroras are beautiful and more accessible than they are in the northern parts of the globe. Take some time to check them out! If you ever get the chance to experience spring in Australia, take it and be sure to take your camera with you! -- da Bird

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