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Smart Camera Is Smart

Samsung has just revealed its newest line of Smart Cameras. These cameras are so smart that they can take your photos for you. If they were any smarter, they'd be able to do your taxes for you. So, just how smart are these cameras? Pretty smart. We turned on one of them and it started quoting Deep Thought and turned on our computers so that it could design the computer that would know the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. When it started propounding upon Aristotelian properties as set forth by Classical era playwrights, we started to get a little worried. However, we were able to negotiate with the camera and get it to agree to let us use it and check out some of it's nifty features. The new Samsung Smart cameras know all kinds of tricks. They can transfer your images from the camera to your computer wirelessly. They can even wake your computer up if Wake-On-LAN is enabled. Once the camera has finished bothering your computer with its photos (rather like an obnoxious know-it-all younger brother), it can let your computer go back to catching some zzz's and saving you a hefty power bill. Your camera can not only transfer images to your computer -- it can transfer them to your Android, iPhone, or tablet without having to send them as text messages. As if that wasn't cool enough, you can toss the extra memory cards in the bit bucket. The Samsung Smart cameras can connect directly to AllShare or Microsoft Skydrive cloud services, backing up your photos while on the go and letting you carry around extra memory without taking extra space. The Samsung Smart camera also knows its way around the World Wide Web. This camera knows how to contact Facebook, Blogger, Picasa, or YouTube with Social Share. The Social Share feature lets you share your photos with the world without needing to carry around a computer or laptop. Also, you can email your photos and a quick explanation, again, without needing to hook up to a computer or laptop. Finally, you can stream movies to any DLNA Certified® devices in your home. Lastly, this camera is so smart that it can talk to your smartphone, turning your phone into a remote control. The remote viewfinder lets you frame, zoom, adjust the camera settings, and set up a perfect shot on your phone. This lets you take group shots and include yourself in them without needing to set a timer and then trip over your own feet trying to get in place in time. All Samsung Smart phones are equipped with the ability to connect directly to any WiFi network even without a hotspot. WiFi Direct makes it so that your camera is always connected no matter where life takes you. These new cameras are sure to go fast so head over to our site and buy yours today!
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