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Summer Photography to Celebrate National Best Friend Day

Summer Photography to Celebrate National Best Friend Day

Perfect weather, iconic treats, and endless outdoor adventures – summertime lends itself to so many fantastic photo opportunities! Soak up every moment of these next three months and grab your camera to document this season’s most picturesque moments. Then post your favorites on social media to celebrate National Best Friend Day on June 8th! Here’s a list of the most double-tap-worthy photo ops this season.

Cliff Jumps

There’s nothing like jumping into an inviting body of water on a hot day with your GoPro Hero5 from strapped on to your forehead! Cliffs that surround rivers and lakes are covered with thrill-seekers who want to take a refreshing dip. Obviously, before you attempt this shot make sure it’s a safe jump. Not into heights or such a drastic daredevil stunt? Stick to jumping off the dock of your favorite lake or grabbing a picture as you come down a waterslide for the ultimate action shot.


In the summer, you belong among the wildflowers. They’re in full bloom and the most vibrant they’ll get before next year! Take full advantage of their beauty and make a pair of flower crowns out of them for a cute selfie.

Ice Cream

One of the most iconic treats of summer. Everyone loves a good ice cream cone. Hold up your cones in front of a beautiful backdrop for a crave-worthy shot.


Summertime means s’mores and you can’t have one of those without a big roaring bonfire. Bonus points if your friends are singing Kumbaya while you snap the pic!

Surf Shots

As soon as summertime rolls around, the beaches fill up with the local talent. Surf shots are ideal this season. Not only can you capture some talented surfers, but you and your friends can capture some awesome and creative shots of yourselves navigating the waves as well.

Take a Bike Rid

Ride bikes side by side. Take a ride through town on bikes and find the most picturesque scenery. Then ask a friendly stranger to take a photo for your photo sharing apps to celebrate National Best Friend Day.

Visit an Amusement Park

The ultimate best friend picture idea? Go to an amusement park and snap away with your Point and Shoot Camera from! You’ll both look back on how yummy that cotton candy was.

Create a B&W Photo

Finally, to capture a timeless moment, take a black and white photo. It’s an adorable picture idea and shows off your pearly whites! Get outside, and place your camera on self-timer. Then immerse yourself in nature and begin snapping away. Now grab your camera and let the Summertime fun begin!  

Previous article Top Gifts for Photographers This Holiday Season

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